CELTA (Certificate in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages) - сертификат, дающий право преподавания английского языка как иностранного взрослым.

Разработанный Экзаменационным Советом Кембриджского Университета (Cambridge Assessment English ) в семидесятых годах, квалификационный курс CELTA на сегодняшний день является самой распространенной и признанной во всем мире начальной квалификацией преподавателя английского языка как иностранного.

Курс CELTA можно пройти в одном из 300 аккредитованных центров в 55 странах мира.

В Казахстане центром для прохождения CELTA является Teacher Training Centre KZ 007 InterPress International House Almaty.

Для кого предназначен данный курс

СELTA курс предназначен для учителей, которые хотят пройти курс по преподаванию методом коммуникативного обучения и получить международный сертификат, признаваемый работодателями языковых центров во всём мире.

Участником СELTA может стать любой человек, владеющий английским языком на высоком уровне (C1/С1+) в соответствии с CEFR ( Общеевропейская шкала уровней владения языком).

Структура курса

  • Курс состоит из 120 часов
  • Включая занятия в группе по методике коммуникативного преподавания
  • Уроки-посещения опытных преподавателей и коллег на курсе
  • Планирование уроков индивидуальное и в группах
  • Преподавание в группах разных языковых уровней
  • Уроки-обсуждения и самоанализа
  • Индивидуальные занятия с тьютором
  • написание 4х письменных работ.


Дата курса:26.10.2024 - 28.12.2024
Формат:ONLINE Part-time
Окончание регистрации:идет набор дополнительной группы до 20.09.2024
Результаты:вторник, четверг с 18.30-22.00 и суббота с 12.00-20.00

Стоимость:                 680000 тенге
Стоимость:730000 тенге
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Дата курса:04.11.2024 - 29.11.2024
Окончание регистрации:30.09.2024
Результаты:Ежедневно, кроме выходных с 09.00-18.00

Стоимость:                 680000 тенге
Стоимость:730000 тенге
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Дата курса:13.01.2025 - 14.02.2025
Окончание регистрации:01.12.2024
Результаты:Ежедневно кроме субботы и воскресенья, с 10.00-20.00

Стоимость:                 680000 тенге
Стоимость:730000 тенге
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Дата курса:20.01.2025 - 14.02.2025
Окончание регистрации:01.12.2024
Результаты:Ежедневно кроме субботы и воскресенья, с 10.00-20.00

Стоимость:                 680000 тенге
Стоимость:730000 тенге
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Дата курса:15.02.2025 - 31.05.2025
Окончание регистрации:30.12.2024
Результаты:вторник и четверг 18:30 -22.00 и суббота с 12.00-20.00

Стоимость:                 680000 тенге
Стоимость:730000 тенге
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Сертификат выписывается Экзаменационным Советом Cambridge Assessment English и признается во всём мире.

Оценка результатов

  • Fail
  • Pass
  • Pass B
  • Pass A



Interpress International House Almaty

Rating: 9.3/10

"CELTA course was the best course I have ever had in my life. I had never imagined I could have my CELTA online and I am glad I chose InterPress IHAlmaty. I loved how compassionate and encouraging my tutors were all through the course. They provided the most useful feedback to me and guided me with their insightful advice to improve my teaching skills. I recommend English teachers or anyone interested in gaining international qualification in TEFL to participate this life-changing course as it will inspire you in your career greatly by delineating the path for you in its most professionally perfect way."
E Roozbahani, CELTA Online student, 18 Dec 2021

"I took the course with the hope of improving as a teacher. It was an intensive course and required a lot of hard work and I'm really glad to have done the course. The tutors are amazing and I've learned a lot from them. "
M Lalremtluanga, CELTA Online student, 18 Dec 2021

"The organisation was on a high level; the workers are very responsive; the trainers are helpful "
S Kadyrova, CELTA Online student, 10 Jul 2021

"It was a new experience for me , thank you. "
M Bonjar, CELTA Online student, 13 Feb 2021

"It was just too overwhelming at the beginning! However, later in the course, the process turned to be doable. A very intense course, but providing a good opportunity to learn a lot. Thank you!"
K Narbayeva, CELTA student, 07 Mar 2020

"There was nothing for me to complain about or even find inconvenient. Every time I needed a computer or print my materials I had ones. Our trainers were highly experienced and qualified but at the same time very supportive and helpful. The i-boards in every classroom made preparation far more comfortable and also they helped our lessons be up-to-date, interactive and meet all requirements of CELTA format."
M Zakirzyanova, CELTA student, 17 Feb 2018

"The CELTA course is ideal for anyone who is willing to invest in his own personal and professional development in the EFL industry and beyond."
A Sissengalieva, CELTA student, 16 Feb 2018

C Eafting, CELTA student, 15 Feb 2018

"It was an excellent, very informative, very challenging and exciting experience. I have never regretted a minute I enrolled on the course. I highly recommend it to all teachers I know especially those at the beginning of their career and experiencing lack of knowledge and confidence."
Z Taukenova, CELTA student, 15 Feb 2018

"I find everything I did during the course very useful and would like to participate also in other courses such as IHCYL, teaching IELTS"
Y Bilych, CELTA student, 16 Feb 2015

What is the difference between CELTA, TESOL and TEFL?

Basically TESOL (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages) and TEFL (Teaching English as a Foreign Language) refer to the subject area not to a particular qualification. CELTA is a qualification in this area and the acronym is recognized as such throughout the world. The Trinity TESOL is accepted as a CELTA equivalent.

Why is CELTA so well recognized?

  • it is one of the few courses which has a high level of practical, classroom training. You actually have to teach, and be observed teaching, 'real' learners of English as a foreign or second language
  • the trainers have to be highly trained, qualified and experienced, and approved by Cambridge University - not just anyone is an acceptable CELTA teacher-trainer
  • to maintain standards internationally, centres that offer the courses have to go through a rigorous 'quality control' check by external assessors appointed by Cambridge.
  • there are nearly 300 approved centres world-wide so it's well-established internationally. Over 10,000 teachers take the course each year.
  • more and more institutions worldwide require their teachers to have the CELTA (or the higher level DELTA)
  • and, perhaps most importantly, virtually everyone who has taken the course has said they would recommend it to their friends and colleagues.

Do I really need to do a TEFL course in order to gain employment?

Most reputable schools will expect their new teachers to be trained to teach English. The Cambridge CELTA is probably the most respected and well-known training course. The second consideration here is your own confidence. Starting to teach English is made a great deal easier if you have some idea of what you are doing, why you are doing it and how to go about teaching. The course gives you this confidence and means you can walk into a classroom feeling like a prepared teacher.

How long is the course?

InterPress Teacher Training Centre offers Celta offline four weeks and online five weeks.

How is the teaching practice organized?

Teaching Practice is an integral part of the course. The TP is organized in small groups of 5-6 trainees with adult learners at two different levels. After each teaching practice session an evaluation and feedback is provided by a course tutor.

Can only native speakers of English take the CELTA?

No. The CELTA is open to non-native speakers of English as long as their English skills are 'of an adequate standard to follow the course and complete the assignments.

How to register?

  • All candidates ought to download the Application form and task, complete both documents carefully and in much detail and send them to the following e-mail address: tt-centre@ihkazakhstan.com
  • The centre will acknowledge the receipt of your application within 48 hours.
  • The candidate is asked to take the language test online.
  • If your application is accepted and the result of your language test meets the requirements of the course, you will be appointed an interview with the CELTA trainer. If you are from Almaty, you will have a face to face interview with the trainer. If you are a long way away from Almaty, we will ask you to do the Skype interview at a pre-arranged time.
  • By the end of the interview you will be informed as to whether or not you are to be offered a place.
  • If you are offered a place on the course you will be sent a letter of confirmation along with the additional pre-course information package.
  • If your application and the results of your language test do not meet the requirements of the course, your application will be turned down.
  • The decision of the Centre is final and cannot be disputed.
  • Note: As Cambridge authorized centre we view all instances of plagiarism very seriously. Candidates may confer and recommend useful sources, but each assignment must be your own work and you must sign that this is the case. All Teaching Practice must be your own work. Where candidates are found to have plagiarised from another candidate or from a reference source, that assignment or teaching practice may be rejected or they may be disqualified from the course, and they will be ineligible for the award in cases where dishonesty or plagiarism are brought to the attention of Cambridge English Language Assessment.

What does the interview consist of?

This usually lasts up to 40 minutes and we ask you some questions about you and your task. We also tell you about the course, and you can ask any questions you may have too! The pre-interview task is not a test - obviously you don't know all the answers without having to think hard about them and even having to look them up in reference books (which is what teachers do all the time). It's more a test of your attitude and instinctive approach to teaching, your inner resources and, where language is concerned, how you would react if a student asked you this type of question. This gives us a good idea of your skills and qualities and therefore, of how you will respond to only four weeks of training - whether it will be enough to bring you up to pass standard and allow us to award you the Certificate.

What is the pre-course task? How much time and preparation is involved?

The pre-course task involves about 12-15 hours of work. Although it isn't assessed or marked, it's very useful as initial preparation for the course. We'll send it to you as soon as you've confirmed your place with payment.

How many hours outside of class do I need to spend on homework?

Homework consists of reading, written assignments (4) and lesson preparation. The amount of work will vary by week, and also by trainee. The more you want to get out of the course, the more you will need to put into it.

Does everyone pass the CELTA course?

Most do - perhaps 95% - but not everyone. Our results are typical of world-wide average pass rates (official statistics available). Cambridge does not impose restrictions on the number of candidates who pass or fail any given course. It is merely a question of achieving the required course objectives. A key factor in the course is teamwork and mutual support and we greatly prefer to have people on the course who are willing to share their ideas and be open to those of others'. Among the most common reasons why candidates fail are:

  • unwillingness to try out new/unfamiliar teaching approaches and techniques
  • inability/unwillingness to develop as a teacher in response to the experience the course provides
  • failing to be organized and punctual - either for the lessons and/or in completing assignments

Do I need to teach on the course?

Yes. Teaching Practice is an integral and key component of the course. You will teach and get feedback to help you develop. You'll also learn from watching your colleagues and experienced teachers teach.

How can I teach without using the learners' native language?

You need to give clear demonstrations, use simple language in your instructions, clear explanations and use visual aids and gestures where necessary. With low-level learners you need to ensure your language is graded to their level, while still remaining natural.

How am I assessed?

There are two main components of assessment: teaching practice and written assignments. Assessment is continuous, taking place throughout the course, and integrated so both assessed components contribute to the overall grade. You will be given feedback after every lesson and there will be at least one progress tutorial during the course. Self-awareness and the ability to reflect on your teaching in the light of feedback from the learners, other trainees and your tutors are important considerations. The CELTA course is also externally assessed by an assessor appointed by Cambridge English Language Assessment.

How can I be sure about the quality of the course?

All tutors are Cambridge trained and approved and Cambridge moderates the course. This means you can be sure of standardisation and transference of the qualification.

Can I apply for a teaching position with Interpress IH after finishing a CELTA course?

Yes, if you are awarded a certificate with a positive grade you may be offered a teaching position on the results of a job interview at the Recruitment Department.